

窗外的草坪上有两只鹅,一只是褐色的,有着黑色的脖颈和腿以及白色的腹部,另一只也是褐色的,有着黑色的脖颈和腿以及白色的腹部。 他们悠闲地散着步,时不时地吃一些青草,偶尔还会叫两声。 行人从他们身旁不远处走过,但它们连头都不抬。 i thk there should be rules regardg what can be cid and what can't currently, it is possible to ci around the end portal sce there are only a liited nuber of strongholds, it is possible for one to ci the all and then build boxes around the that other people can't go visit the end without teleportg to a ho or one else hello everyone! nov 1st, 2020 is the one-year anniversary of survival sean 70, i decided to host a giveaway to celebrate that the prize is a \/disguise perk it's siple to jo this giveaway reply to the thread with the ration below and you'll be entered! your ign and your disrd na (cdg the tag) your acplishnts, favorite parts, or good ories sean 7 your pns for sean 8 ake sure to answer all the estions above that your entry is valid the giveaway will end on nov 1st at 11:59 p st the ner will be chosen randoly good ck everyone :d it’s hard to believe survival 70 is already alost eight onths old ti flies! it’s ti for another reset and a new sean to e, i’ akg a ga thread with the 112 update troduced sean 70 and the new chans and ideas sugsted by the unity, sean 80 will defitely be a sean to look forward to! ore foc on the reurces worlds better enoy better pvp ore ways to py ore thgs to do this ga thread is a detailed list of chans and new features sugsted by the survival unity (cdg yself) that i believe uld or should be added for survival sean 80 if you have ore ideas or would like to add to or chan of the sugstions listed here, please leave a nt feedbacks fro the unity is always helpful! below is a list of the ideas and sugstions please note that they are sugstions and it is up to the owners and the ad tea to detere what chans will be iplented the new sean ore foc on the reurces worlds reurces worlds are one of the key features that akes survival unie under the current enoy, the reurces worlds didn’t t the attention they deserve sce fishg is the fastest and safest way to ake oney, which can be easily done on the plot now it’s ti to troduce chans and brg the attention back to the reurces worlds enuragg the explorations and teractions with the reurces world will ake the gapy ore terestg and set it apart fro the experience on other servers akg ob drops selble to \/shop this gives otivations to fd spawners and to ake ob fars the reurces world this enuras exploration and petition sce the sa spawner can be found by ultiple people, and ob fars can be found by others too if they aren’t hidden price sugstion: bze rod: 60, strg: 10, spider eye: 20, bone: 10, arrow: 10, rotten flesh: 10(spawner obs) raw steak: 50, leather: 50, raw porkchop: 50, raw utton:50, wool:15, raw rabbit: 50, rabbit hide: 50, rabbit foot: 200, raw chicken: 10, feather: 5, egg: 15 (chickens can be fard on plots the prices should be uch lower) crease the sellg price of ores the price for all ores except for diaond and erald should be doubled (her artz 56, al 20, iron 80, redstone 100, gold 120, pis 120, diaond 400, erald 1000) the current prices (her artz 28, al 10, iron 40, redstone 50, gold 60, pis 60, diaond 400, erald 1000) are low for ost ores which akes g less profitable than other fishg or farg even though it reires ore skill the new price better reflects the difficulty of ttg ores, which reires fdg caves, g skills, and, any cases, silk touch tools reduce fishg profit the prices of all types of fishes should be reduced to a third (d: 100, salon 270, pufferfish 500, tropical fish 3330) of the current price (d 300, salon 800, pufferfish 1500, tropical fish 10k) the current price for fish is the sa as sean 6, but sean 6 had purchasable spawners after the reoval of spawners, the speed of oney akg by fishg is too fast pared to all the other ways and it is basically ipossible to not fish and still not fall behd fishg al doesn’t reire any set up or purchase of tools, sce it’s possible to t the best rod possible fro fishg becae of that, the price of fish should be reduced reduce farg profit (or keep the profit as it is) the prices for crops should be reduced as well, sce farg is a very safe way to ake oney price sugstion: carrot: 1, potato: 1, wheat: 3, her wart: 07, pupk: 9, lon: 16, sugarcane: 15, a bean: 07 (current price: carrot: 113, potato: 113, wheat: 35, her wart: 08, pupk: 11, lon: 2, sugarcane: 21, a bean: 075) beetroots should be selble to shop at 1 each chor fruits should be selble to \/shop at 5 each harvest hoes should be able to repnt beetroots farg with a harvest hoe on a r far should ake at least slightly ore oney than fishg, sce harvest hoes can only be obtaed fro treasure keys, and buildg r fars takes ti, effort, and space reurces world seed chan the ap seed for all reurces worlds should chan once every onth currently, the seed of the overworld chans once every o weeks, and any bers of the unity thk it’s too often one onth will allow ore exploration of the overworld and better e of what the world has to offer on the other hand, changg the seed of the end will otivate people to keep explorg the end tryg to fd ore end cities stead of visitg the sa ones they found early the sean this will al reduce the aount of elytras the unity, which akes the ore precio and al akes ndg enchantnt ore eful ore otivations for dragon fights dragon fights are unie to survival and they are like “i-events” sce they happen near the spawn of the end world it takes a long ti to grd for the end crystals, dragon fights should be profitable akg dragon fights profitable will al ake the happen ore often, which brgs the unity thg terestg to do fro ti to ti dragon eggs can only be picked up by a pyer if they have pced down at least one of the 4 end crystals all pyers will receive 1000 as long as they have dealt daa to the dragon(chan to: pyers will receive oney based on the aount\/percenta of daa they have dealt to the dragon) dragon breath can be ld to \/shop at 400 per bottle(the price is not high, sce one dragon needs four crystals which need 4 ghast tears ghasts tears are very hard to t without \/fly the avera price for a ghast tear is around 100k) add an option to trade a dragon egg for a creeper spawner (note: gun powder can’t be ld to \/shop al, the plot ob liit still applies it won’t spawn anythg if there are too any obs on a plot) this can enura dragon fights and brg ore fireworks to the unity new \/dragon shows pyers who have fought the highest nuber of dragons\/dealt the highest aount of daa to dragons\/spawned the highest nuber of dragons add aror stand pedestals dispyg pyers dragon stats better enoy one of the issues sean 7 and sean 6 had was that there weren’t enough ways to spend oney addg ore ways to spend oney will iprove the enoy sean 8 purchasable plot liits and ctoizations purchasable plot bio chan 10k each ti (it’s rarely ed it should char ore) purchasable plot na chan (10k first ti, 20k send ti, 40k third ti, etc), pyers can work for the plot na they want, stead of tryg to a petition of cig nas as early as possible purchasable plot bean liit: 10k for 1 bean, 20k for 2 beans, 40k for 3 beans, 80k for 4 beans, etc purchasable plot heads liit: 20k for every 5 heads purchasable plot holoskulls liit: 20k for each holoskull purchasable chestshop liit: 1000 for every 5 buyg\/sellg signs purchasable ob liit: 10k for first 5 obs, 20k for the next 5, 40k for the next 5, etc up to 25 obs per plot purchasable spawn eggs (note: obs can't be bred on plots) add purchasable ob spawn eggs to \/shop they provide nice ways to t pets on plots price should be 100k each iu plot pets rea retively rare and special pets should take ti and effort to t there should al be a liit on how any spawn eggs a pyer can buy total, aybe 10 purchasable advertisg slots add a new pa of \/shop shog pyer owned shops these slots can be rented at an hourly st of 50 per hour ites purchasable fro \/shop addg purchasable ites to \/shop to help and enura overworld exploration and pvp the price of ites should be retively high people will try to obta the vanil ways or through tradg stead of nsiderg buyg the fro \/shop as the first or the best option add enchanted golden apples to \/shop at 20k each add fireworks to \/shop at 20k per stack add ender pearls to \/shop at 200 each 18 pvp there have been lots of sugstions of changg the pvp fro 112 to 18 fro the unity even those who pvps a lot durg this sean don’t see to enjoy 112 pvp ideas are: changg the pvp on the entire server to 18 pvp (g sees to be a ncern) or akg the pvp arena siir to the current \/duel arena, which is on 18, and leave the other parts of the server unchand (but with the ventory and arors carried stead of the default kits) adjted ests different fro oney which reires grdg fars and sellg ites, est pots reflect another aspect of the gapy: persistence est s should be given ore regnition it enuras ore pyers to t on and do ests on a daily basis add aror stand pedestals dispyg pyers est pots adjtg est rewards and difficulties daily ests should be easy to do with less reward (15k each stead of 2k each 1 est pot each) good options are: llectg a sall aount (10-50) of ites (easy to obta) ventory eatg a sall aount of food (5-20)(easy to obta) pcg down a type of block for a nuber of tis (2-7) harvest a sall aount of crops (50-100) weekly ests should be ore difficult than daily ests but are not very hard to do (15k each, 5 est pots each) craftg a certa aount (45-150) of ites catchg a certa aount (45-150) of fish killg a certa aount (45-150) of obs destroyg a certa nuber (200-700) of blocks tag obs for a certa nuber (15-50) of tis tradg with vilrs for a certa nuber of tis (30-100) onthly ests should be challengg and ti nsug with a retively high reward (60k each, 15 est pots) good options are: fishg up lots (70-200) of trash enchantg lots (70-200) of ites eatg lots (70-200) of vaable or rare food (like golden apple, oked fish) ttg any (20-50) kills pvp breedg obs any (70-200) tis destroyg spawners (20-50) tis new achievent syste addg new achievents server-wide and sean wide which can serve as nice llectibles and tutorials for exaple: “cig a plot” “visitg the overworld” “obtag an elytra” “breedg a ob” “killg the ender dragon” new elytra event siir to boss event, it happens a separate arena with default kits for everyone the event, everyone will be given an elytra and 2 stacks of rockets there are floatg isnds ntag treasure chests with pots the the first to llect all pots will be the ner of the event and will t event rewards chans to kits and rank abilities 112 update troduced any new features it's ti to adjt of the rank abilities an ability for bedrock rank or higher: ndg doesn’t st xp a new ability for erald rank or higher (to pensate the loss of \/fly the reurces world) the ability to ove ickly water the overworld or a \/heal and to reove all negative potion effects (poin, g fatigue, etc) which only works reurces world or the teporary potion effect and: ttg speed ii, strength ii, fire resistance, water breathg, and\/or night vision for 30 sends this and can only be ed once per 6 hours and only works the reurces world kit food 5 hroo stew every 10 utes (not stackable people only e it for food stead of tryg to save it up) better startg kit add 2 stacks of ender pearls and a saddle to the startg kit that people have ore ways to travel farther the reurces worlds at the begng of the ga when elytras aren’t avaible other chans updated tutorial an updated warp tutorial with detailed ration on the gapy it should al clearly pot out the reurce worlds reset daily and are not good pces to build a base disable auto fishg fars addg restrictions on how long people can keep fishg without ovg around (at least pressg one of the arrow keys) 5 of the will be taken away for all flips addg bigst \/cf ners and losers addg crop , ob , g stats and ands crease the price of heads to 50k each stead of 25k that’s it for now, but we can always add ore! if you have ore ideas or would like to add to or chan of the sugstions listed here, please leave a nt feedbacks fro the unity is always helpful! (forat credits to kierenboal)


